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HAPPY NEW YEAR (2021). New Year, New Me.

I havent been writing for so so long that I forget how and what to begin with.  Bismillah.  MasyaAllah. 2020 had been a tough, but memorable year for me. And I guess, for everyone too. None of us ever imagine a disease like Covid 19 could attack the whole world to the extend we had stay at home for months, wear mask 24/7, distance ourselves from one another. No more hugs and kisses. No more fly.  Some even affected financially. From a pilot to penjual burger. From a teacher to financial planner. From a beautician to a home baker. Anything, as long as we survive.  Personally, I was affected too. Since EPF launched 'Ransangan Ekonomi' packaged to investors, my commission as Public Mutual Agent was reduced 50%. But alhamdulillah, rezeki tak pernah sangkut atau tak cukup. I learned that the more we gratitude to Allah, the more we could see and receive blessings from Him. Do not see rezeki only in a monetary form. Instead, look at it as a whole.  Green lights - rezek...

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